Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Boring Saturday - but At Least the Shuttle got Off

So we met at the Snark as planned. Not everyone cares about the shuttle but Dave and I and Tam, and Jack seemed to care. Mina seemed not disinterested too I guess. Bick showed up later, and argued with the waitress about his eggs. That's where he gets' the name Bick I guess - Bickering when he gets a chance.

But the waitress was Mary - and she doen't take a lot of guff and lets it roll off her back too. She kept bugging him and only giving him half cups of coffee for refills to punish him. He was sheepish and appologized for snapping, and she even got a smile out of him.

But the shuttle got off. Only the shuttle. A boring Friday night for me. Dave and I hung out some Irish pub down in the market area for a while. Mina showed up with some guy later, and hung aout a bit. I don't know who the guy was, but she didn't seem overly into the guy, thank god. And her friend Karen was with her too - so how intimate an evening could that be. Maybe it was Karen's brother or something. Anyway, I guess she's not totally out of play.

But we didn't go to the Snark at least - and they had some Celtic band there for a set that was okay. You know it's a bad weekend when we're at the Snark in the evening then back again for breakfast. That's just depressing - may as well just bring a sleeping bag.

I wish I had the guts to ask Mina out sometime, just the two of us, but would that trash the whole group of friends? I mean if she's not into me at all, then it's awkward and what if she stops hanging with us, or if she's telling others I'm a loser or something. I don't know. So hard to tell what she thinks of me.

The shuttle launch was cool as usual. I'm always awestruck by the nozzles throttling up and the crisply focussed jets of exhaust as the thing lurches out of the launch pad. So cool. I'd get on one of those things in a minute.

Oh well, it's late Saturday aft and I have no idea what we're doing tonight, or even if anyone's free. I think Dave went up to his cottage, and Jack said he was going in to work or something. Bloody accountants always got another column of numbers to add up.

Might be flying solo tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude - I can relate.