Monday, July 06, 2009

It's so Boring, I think I'll Write it Down

Nothing ever happens! My life is so boring. I work, I watch TV, I surf, I sleep and do it all over again.

Okay, I guess I get out with my friends occasionally. My buddy dave and I go for a pint or two at the Snarkpub and trash the people we see. This cit is so full of posers and cliques. We're outsiders and like it that way.

Then again last week there was five of us - Dave and I, Tam, Mina and Jack and we're at the Snark and we talk about being outsider and Tam points out that there are five of us there. "And Bick isn't here... and sometimes Darren and Kira come out. So how many outsiders have to hang out together before we're just inside something else?"

Good point dude. I guess we know we're just another group - hopefully not a clique. Although, it's not like any of us has met anyone new in our circle lately. Shit, maybe we're so outside we're inside something else, and excluding other people?

So we talked about that and agreed that we should try and include other people more. And the thing we dislike about the cliquettes is the way they look down on anyone else, and would never let anyone else into their circle of friends. So we've agreed we should each of us try to meet someone new and bring them into the group to hang out. Then we can demonstrate we're not like those elitist bastards.

But I realize we're pretty much all the same.

Oh yeah, the Snark isn't the pubs real name I guess. Shit, I don't think I even know what it's called!!! But it's over on Byron at Main and I only live a few blocks away on River, so it's easy to get there. We started calling it the Snark a few years back when they had this really bitchy chick working on Thursday nights who would always answer any question with this cynical snear. "She's pretty snarky" said Kira. "Fits right in here with the other staff," is what Bick said and somehow when anyone who was there that night referred to the SnarkPub we all knew what they were talking about.

Now we just text each other with "Snark?" and we get binary responses back - 1's and 0's from everyone. I don't remember who started that - maybe it was me...? Well probably one of the techy types anyway. One's and zero's to indicate if you're going or not. That got around some of them who said they hated texting - it's too slow and annoying, so we figured one character can't be that hard.

So I guess there's - I don't know 6 or 7 of us that anyway that get together regularly.

So it's pretty boring doing the same thing all the time. I don't know if I'll tell the others about this blog. Probably not - that way I can rip on any of them if they bug me, and not piss them off. But they're all good guys, and girls. So it's not like there'll be any major dissing going on here.

Well, amazing what I can write about nothing. Nothing going on. Just work, sleep... a bit of Snark.

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