Monday, July 13, 2009

Strange Days Indeed

Okay I'm back - man this is like my own personal news channel. Thanks for the emails guys, I didn't realize there were so many people following what's going on through here. I obviously don't know anything more than anyone else.... so I don't know why you would follow this, but I guess some folks are, and thanks for the notes and the comments.

But I'm still in Chicago - Don't know what we're going to do tomorrow. Hell, I could have driven home by now - It's only 8 or 10 hours probably.

You'll be interested to know that my rapid sign off a few hours ago was due to another huge coincidence. I was sitting there watching the news, and typing and I looked up to see a familiar person walking across the concourse. It was Kate! She was walking my way but hadn't seen me yet then. So anyway, I signed off and was about to jump up and say hi, but thought I'd play it cool and let her discover me. Of course, I would have jumped if she didn't notice me, but I pretended not to notice her and she said "Hey there stranger - I thought you weren't leaving till tomorrow!"

I looked up and did my best casual Zaphon Beeblebrox (oops, obscure reference) "Hey, Kate how's it going!" I explained that the director sent me home early because of the craziness going around and now I was stuck waiting for a plane that doesn't look like it's going to show up.

She was similarly expecting to be on that plane and had come and gone and was just getting back to check for a new ETA - oops that means arrival... ETD I guess. Still nothing from the Airline. So we sat around for a while, and talked and talked. We were both speculating about what all this space stuff meant, why the big crowds in some cities and none in the others.

That got on to religion and what all this would mean to churches and stuff, and it got on to our own feelings and beleifs. I could have sat there all night talking with her. She's great to talk too. I guess in times of weirdness it brings people closer together if they have something in common - like living in the same country/city.

I asked her flat out at one point if she's attached or anything, and she just said - "I'm flying solo for a while. Getting to know what it's like to be single again." and then she changed the subject. Shit, she can be cryptic at times, but I guess that means she's divorced or separated or just out of a longterm relationship or something.

Anyway's we seem to be on the same page with a lot of our views. She doesn't beleive in any sort of religion, and, while I held back a bit, that's my position too. I usually rant a bit about religion causing all the evil in the world, but you never want to spout too much on that topic to someone - unless you know them really well. She's pretty smart though. Seems to know more than just accounting stuff. She actually seems to be aware of the outside world. She seemed similarly impressed with me. She said something like "Wow you're pretty well informed. I thought most software guys were pretty clued out when it came to stuff like politics and literature and junk." I always think that too, based on the guys I talk to, but it was pretty cool having someone say that to me. Especially someone nice like her! (blush).

Anyway, nothing on the news in the last several hours except the same breaking news about nothing. Oh - the shuttle/ISS thing keeps moving further out. Now the speculation is that it's moving into a geosynchronous orbit as well - which means something like 35k kilometres! So weird. Maybe the aliens are going to eat the thing up! If we ever see those astronauts again, it's going to be some story.

Oh yeah, so where am I and what's going on? It's almost midnight and I'm in the Hilton at the O'Hare airport. The airline gave us all a hotel and food voucher and put us up for the night. Apparently the plane was held back for mechanical errors or scheduling errors or something - they can't seem to decide what their story is. Kate is just down the hall. We had a beer at the hotel bar after getting in, and now it's off to sleep. Glad the hotel has free wireless so I can keep in touch.

Dave tells me the guys have been almost living at the Snark - I feel so left out!!! Ugh. But it's been fun talking to Kate too. Anyway, they're hanging out watching the no-news-news and quaffing pints. I suppose it's just as well. I'd have to run twice as much to work off the calories of that much beer. I am over 30 now you know!

Hmmm - I wonder if Kate is asleep yet. No, you idiot. Don't bother her, you'll make a fool of yourself. I'll surf the usenet groups for some good rumours and hit the hay. I don't want to be too tired tomorrow. Hell, I might have to sit around for hours and God knows I wouldn't want to be drowsy for that.

Man, I hope I'm not stuck here for long.

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